Hosea 1:1-11

1 The word of Yehowah that occurred to Ho·se´a the son of Be·e´ri in the days of Uz·zi´ah, Jo´tham, A´haz [and] Hez·e·ki´ah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jer·o·bo´am the son of Jo´ash, the king of Israel. 2 There was a start of the word of Yehowah by Ho·se´a, and Yehowah proceeded to say to Ho·se´a: “Go, take to yourself a wife of fornication and children of fornication, because by fornication the land positively turns from following Yehowah.”

3 And he proceeded to go and take Go´mer the daughter of Dib·la´im, so that she became pregnant and in time bore to him a son.

4 And Yehowah went on to say to him: “Call his name Jez´re·el, for yet a little while and I must hold an accounting for the acts of bloodshed of Jez´re·el against the house of Je´hu, and I must cause the royal rule of the house of Israel to cease. 5 And it must occur in that day that I must break the bow of Israel in the low plain of Jez´re·el.”

6 And she proceeded to become pregnant another time and to give birth to a daughter. And He went on to say to him: “Call her name Lo-ru·ha´mah, for I shall no more show mercy again to the house of Israel, because I shall positively take them away. 7 But to the house of Judah I shall show mercy, and I will save them by Yehowah their God; but I shall not save them by a bow or by a sword or by war, by horses or by horsemen.”

8 And she gradually weaned Lo-ru·ha´mah, and she proceeded to become pregnant and give birth to a son. 9 So He said: “Call his name Lo-am´mi, because you men are not my people and I myself shall prove to be not YOURS.

10 “And the number of the sons of Israel must become like the grains of the sand of the sea that cannot be measured or numbered. And it must occur that in the place in which it used to be said to them, ‘You men are not my people,’ it will be said to them, ‘The sons of the living God.’ 11 And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will certainly be collected together into a unity and will actually set up for themselves one head and go up out of the land, because great will be the day of Jez´re·el.

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